First Year On Us

Jun 12, 2023

At ecommerce with kevin, our main priority is to help small business thrive. That’s why we are paying the subscription for thousands of small businesses for the first year. Here is how it works; we pay the first year for every 10th business to sign up to a paid plan. So business number 10, 20, 30, 40 and so on, will get get a free paid year. We will refund them the full amount of the first year subscription. We pay after you finish your first year. If you need a program or platform, you might as well check the programs we are offering for the chance to get a free year.

Here is a list of the programs we are offering a free paid year to every 10th business that signs up for a paid plan. (we are growing our list of partnerships, if you do not see a program you want, sign up to our list to get notified of new platform added to our list)

Email Marketing Platforms




Ecommerce Platforms



