Get Paid To Use Groove

Jan 11, 2023

Groove is one of the leading ecommerce platforms. It is outrageously powerful. They are not just an ecommerce store builder, they are an ecommerce suite of tools. They replace a bunch of different tools, saving you a lot of money. (See our GrooveKart review here, how Groove matches up to shopify here, and the Groove suite of tools here)

Groove is relatively new, compared to the other leading ecommerce platforms. Groove currently has over 650,000 users. They are working on growing their user base, and they are offering two amazing offers.

Groove Offer #1 – Lifetime Platinum Plan

 For a limited time, Groove is offering a Lifetime Platinum Plan for $2,997. That means you pay once, and your done for life. This seems like an expensive price, but if you think about it for a second, it’s an incredible insane offer. If you would only use the 3 most common tools, you would save thousand of dollars. If you would use all the Groove tools, you would be saving thousands of dollars every year. The 3 most common tools an ecommerce seller uses, are, ecommerce store builder, funnels, and email automation. If you would use the most commonly used programs, shopify, mailchimp, and clickfunnels, you would be paying around $300 a month. In 9 months, you would have paid $2,700, that’s already more then you pay for the Groove Lifetime Platinum Plan. So you see there is thousands of dollars in savings here.

Grab the Lifetime Platinum Plan while they are still offering it. To sign up to any plan, you sign up for the free plan, then Groove will show you all the plans you can upgrade to. Scroll to the bottom to get the Lifetime Platinum Plan.

Groove Offer #2 – 40% Affiliate Bonus

The second Groove offer is even crazier then the first. They are offering 40% Affiliate payments. That means if you refer someone to Groove, Groove will pay you 40% of whatever your referral pays, for the lifetime he is a customer. So, if you refer 3 people to groove, and they sign up for the same plan as you, not only will you be getting groove for free, but Groove will pay you for being a Groove member!!!!! This offer is insane!! Plus, there is no limit to the amount of referrals, so you can make thousands of dollars on referrals.

To get referrals, you can tell your friends about Groove, send it to your email list, post it on social media, or put it on your site. Once you sign up for Groove, they will give you a referral link. Share your link, and you will get 40% from who ever signs up from your link.

I don’t think either one of these offers are going to last forever. Once they get a nice number of signups, I think they will stop the offer. If you sign up now you will be locked in. Grab it now when you still can.

Our Offer

At ecommerce with kevin, our main priority is to help small business thrive. So right now we are giving out free paid subscriptions for plenty programs and platforms. To see how you can get groove for free, check out this post